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Fix Joseph Posted on 4:34 am

PowerShell Class: Hierarchies for Enhanced Scripting

Since PowerShell 5, you can harness the capabilities of custom classes in your PowerShell scripts.

While classes are a common feature in many programming languages, they are not always necessary in PowerShell. In most cases, custom objects suffice for your scripting needs.

Creating Your Custom Class

To define a class in PowerShell, you use the `class` keyword. Below is an example of a simple class definition, along with instances of that class created using both the `new-object` cmdlet and the `new()` keyword.


class Tree {





$tree1 = new-object Tree

$tree2 = [Tree]::new()

$tree1.Height = 10

$tree1.Age = 5

$tree1.Color = "Red"

$tree2.Height = 20

$tree2.Age = 10

$tree2.Color = "Green"




The result is:


Height Age Color

------ --- -----

  10  5 Red

  20 10 Green


Constructors: Initializing Your Class

Constructors are special methods called when you create an instance of a class. They are useful for initializing properties. You can define multiple constructors for a class, allowing you to customize object creation.


class Tree {




  Tree() {

    $this.Height = 1

    $this.Age = 0

    $this.Color = "Green"


  Tree([int]$Height, [int]$Age, [string]$Color) {

    $this.Height = $Height;

    $this.Age = $Age;

    $this.Color = $Color;



$tree1 = [Tree]::New()

$tree2 = New-Object Tree 5, 2, "Red"




The result is:


Height Age Color

------ --- -----

   1  0 Green

   5  2 Red


Methods: Adding Functionality

While you can manipulate class properties directly, methods offer a way to encapsulate actions. In this example, we create a `Grow` method to simulate a tree’s growth.


class Tree {




  Tree() {

    $this.Height = 1

    $this.Age = 0

    $this.Color = "Green"


  Tree([int]$Height, [int]$Age, [string]$Color) {

    $this.Height = $Height

    $this.Age = $Age

    $this.Color = $Color


  [void]Grow() {

    $heightIncrease = Get-Random -Min 1 -Max 5

    $this.Height += $heightIncrease

    $this.Age += 1



$tree = [Tree]::New()

# Let the tree grow for 10 years

for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {





The result shows the tree’s growth over 10 years:


Height Age Color

------ --- -----

   3  1 Green

   7  2 Green

  10  3 Green

  11  4 Green

  15  5 Green

  16  6 Green

  20  7 Green

  24  8 Green

  26  9 Green

  28 10 Green


Discover more about Class, Objects in this video

Class Inheritance: Building on Foundations

While classes can be used similarly to custom objects, they shine when it comes to inheritance.

The result demonstrates class inheritance:


class Tree {




  Tree() {

    $this.Height = 1

    $this.Age = 0

    $this.Color = "Green"


  Tree([int]$Height, [int]$Age, [string]$Color) {

    $this.Height = $Height

    $this.Age = $Age

    $this.Color = $Color


  [void]Grow() {

    $heightIncrease = Get-Random -Min 1 -Max 5

    $this.Height += $heightIncrease

    $this.Age += 1



class AppleTree : Tree {

  [string]$Species = "Apple"


$tree = [AppleTree]::new()



Species Height Age Color

------- ------ --- -----

Apple    1  0 Green



PowerShell classes offer flexibility and customization for your scripts. Whether you’re creating custom objects or harnessing the power of inheritance, understanding classes can enhance your scripting capabilities.